District 4: 66.67% of Counties/Precincts
District 5: 33.33% of Counties/Precincts
District 6: 83.33% of Counties/Precincts
District 7: 50.00% of Counties/Precincts
District 13: 83.33% of Counties/Precincts
Above is for the federal Representatives.
Yet the State Governor's and other state official races (not including State Representatives) are all showing above 96% counties/precincts reported.
How can this be?
State Rep reporting is puzzling too.
Districts 49-63: 0% of Counties/Precincts ??
I didn't know that they don't report ballot results for all races on the ballot. Not understanding how Governor's race can be 96+% reported while State Rep races for several districts are sitting at 0 precincts reporting. Weird to me for some reason, since I thought all races were counted at the same time.
Silly me.