These are stories told to frighten the sheep into behaving.
Muslims believe there is a rope the thickness of a human hair across a pit of fire..if you were naughty the hair snaps and you fall in and burn forever in a body you left behind when you died.
Secondly it's not what the bible says or what the elites believe either. Q has NEVER contradicted scripture. You just have though, Good luck with that.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing the world he didn't exist"
It says it right in what you posted. !! Does the thought of satan exist. !!
Yes I knew you would come back with that..if you want to believe in a devil with a pitchfork taking people to help..go ahead...have faith don listen to others. Trust's what con merchants always say. ..NHS..don't listen to others.trustvus..the jab is good for you..don't listen chemotherapy is wonderful.
Without critical thinking you are just a brainwashed sheep.
It says it right in what you posted. !! Does the thought of satan exist. !!
Yeah but is that all it says? No. Nowhere does Q say satan doesn't exist. In fact Q references Satan MULTIPLE times and refrences God / Jesus multipe times too. The same God that says satan exists.
.if you want to believe in a devil with a pitchfork taking people to hell
Who said anything about a pitchfork? You've been watching too many cartoons and not reading enough scripture and it shows.
Then you straw man a bunch of other stuff that has ZERO to do with what I said.
I'm not trusting anyone but God and His infallible Word. If you reject that you don't have the standards to call ANYTHING true or false and there's no issue with ANYTHING you mentioned with your straw-man nonsense word salad. You have to borrow from MY worldview and objective standards to even reply!
Inconsistency is the sign of a failed argument.
Repent and believe the gospel or spend eternity with Democrats and liberals while satan shows you just how real he is.
Q. Does satan exist?
Does the thought of satan exist?
These are stories told to frighten the sheep into behaving.
Muslims believe there is a rope the thickness of a human hair across a pit of fire..if you were naughty the hair snaps and you fall in and burn forever in a body you left behind when you died.
There is no devil..
First off that's not what the Q post says.
Secondly it's not what the bible says or what the elites believe either. Q has NEVER contradicted scripture. You just have though, Good luck with that.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing the world he didn't exist"
It says it right in what you posted. !! Does the thought of satan exist. !!
Yes I knew you would come back with that..if you want to believe in a devil with a pitchfork taking people to help..go ahead...have faith don listen to others. Trust's what con merchants always say. ..NHS..don't listen to others.trustvus..the jab is good for you..don't listen chemotherapy is wonderful.
Without critical thinking you are just a brainwashed sheep.
Yeah but is that all it says? No. Nowhere does Q say satan doesn't exist. In fact Q references Satan MULTIPLE times and refrences God / Jesus multipe times too. The same God that says satan exists.
Who said anything about a pitchfork? You've been watching too many cartoons and not reading enough scripture and it shows.
Then you straw man a bunch of other stuff that has ZERO to do with what I said.
I'm not trusting anyone but God and His infallible Word. If you reject that you don't have the standards to call ANYTHING true or false and there's no issue with ANYTHING you mentioned with your straw-man nonsense word salad. You have to borrow from MY worldview and objective standards to even reply!
Inconsistency is the sign of a failed argument.
Repent and believe the gospel or spend eternity with Democrats and liberals while satan shows you just how real he is.
/end thread
Go on your way..believe what you want. talk like a child