Any normal person would have taken the risk. It’s an elementary school for God sake not a factory. It’s a crazy person killing babies, not a jealous husband after his wife’s lover. If ever there were time to risk it all, it was then. Were the police a part of it , to advance the FF?
Yes especially with so many people having cell phones. They could’ve coordinated with somebody inside the building to let them know where the shooter was and where he was shooting. They could’ve easily taken him. You may be a police officer would’ve died, but it wouldn’t have been somebody’s kid. I’m not saying a police officer should die, but they do take that risk when they Sign up for the job.
can we track the shooter for a week or two before the shooting by using the cell phone tower pings like in 2000 mules? have they learned to leave the phone home yet?
“There was at least 40 lawmen armed to the teeth but didn’t do a darn thing [until] it was far too late,” Cazares, the father of 10-year-old victim Jackie Cazares, told ABC News.
A witness who lived across the street from the elementary school, said onlookers begged officers outside the school to do something as bullets rang inside the building.
“Go in there! Go in there!” nearby women shouted at the officers who did not go inside, 24-year-old Juan Carranza said.
Of course they didn’t, because I wanted to make sure there is many casualties as possible so they could push their gun laws on it. Because the police don’t care if we don’t have guns, they prefer it that way
Any normal person would have taken the risk. It’s an elementary school for God sake not a factory. It’s a crazy person killing babies, not a jealous husband after his wife’s lover. If ever there were time to risk it all, it was then. Were the police a part of it , to advance the FF?
A part of it ,,, We have a winner! Undeluted EVIL !
Yes especially with so many people having cell phones. They could’ve coordinated with somebody inside the building to let them know where the shooter was and where he was shooting. They could’ve easily taken him. You may be a police officer would’ve died, but it wouldn’t have been somebody’s kid. I’m not saying a police officer should die, but they do take that risk when they Sign up for the job.
Why say Police when it is more accurate to say Freemasons?
Weren't there policemen lingering outside Sandy Hook as well? What's up with that???
How many used to work in Broward County or trained with them.?
can we track the shooter for a week or two before the shooting by using the cell phone tower pings like in 2000 mules? have they learned to leave the phone home yet?
“There was at least 40 lawmen armed to the teeth but didn’t do a darn thing [until] it was far too late,” Cazares, the father of 10-year-old victim Jackie Cazares, told ABC News.
A witness who lived across the street from the elementary school, said onlookers begged officers outside the school to do something as bullets rang inside the building.
“Go in there! Go in there!” nearby women shouted at the officers who did not go inside, 24-year-old Juan Carranza said.
Why didn't the parents? Quite positive if I heard my kids school was being shot up, I wouldn't show up with just my dick in my hand.
This blows my fuckin mind. Back the blue? Fuck them! I'm done with these coward bitches. too. Pussy ass nigz.
Of course they didn’t, because I wanted to make sure there is many casualties as possible so they could push their gun laws on it. Because the police don’t care if we don’t have guns, they prefer it that way