There once was a nation called Khazaria, they were a bunch of blood thirsty murders and aprox 1,100 years ago the Russian Czar destroyed Khazaria and the Khazarian people fled east in to Ukraine and Europe.
The Hidden History Of The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.
The present day Khazarian Mafia knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal. They steal the identity of other people to hide their true origins. This becomes important in a few minutes.
Here is a article from 2017 named, "Covert War Between Russia and Khazarian Jewry". I highly suggest you read this entire article, if you don't have the time just read the first part, it tells you what kind of people the Khazarian's were.
- deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl (Remember the owl's on Epstein Island?)
-Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs practiced ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret Satanism
-This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts.
The Bolsheviks were created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria.
These Bolsheviks took control of Russia in 1921 during the Bolshevik Revolution. They were not Russian, they hated Russia and Christians. The Bolsheviks were a far-left, revolutionary Marxist faction being run by Vladimir Lenin. The renamed Russia and a dozen other nations calling it Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR ) or the Soviet Union.
Hitler rise to power was aided by exposing the Bolshevik Jews in many of his speeches.
Here is a excerpt from Hitler's autobiography speaking about the Bolsheviks.
“Never forget that the rulers of present-day Russia are common blood-stained criminals; that they are the scum of humanity which, favoured by circumstances, overran a great state in a tragic hour, slaughtered out thousands of her leading intelligentsia in wild bloodlust, and now for almost ten years have been carrying on the most cruel and tyrannical regime of all time."
Hitler became President of Germany in 1933. Hitler was upset with the ethnic cleansing in Poland, he invaded East Poland which was part of the Soviet Union at the time. Seen on this map here:
At some point the Khazarians stole the identity of the Jews claiming to be descendants of Noah. Remember they are brutal people and need to hide their true identity.
The rest is history, France declared war on Germany, the USA got involved, stopped Hitler's war on the Bolsheviks jews. The jews never felt safe in the region and the United Nations carved out the nation of Israel from the Palestine territory and let the Jews(Khazarians) relocate. USSR advocated for the creation of Israel in 1948 to get rid of the Khazarians. They were happy to get rid of them.
So Jews of Israel today are not Jewish descendants of Noah, they are imposters, they are Khazarians (Zionist). One thing known about the Khazarians is they like to steal the identity of other people. Like said above, they need to conceal their identity because their murderous history is so vile.
There were some Khazarians that chose to stay in the Soviet Union and Europe, many of the settled in what is known as Ukraine today. Ukraine and Russia were both part of the Soviet Union and became free nations after the break up of USSR in 1991.
Did you know Vladimir Zelensky's real name is Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy. His father, Oleksandr Zelenskyy, was a Jew born in Ukraine in 1947. How is it that Zelensky today, who is a Jew, is in control of the Ukrainian Army who all appear to be Nazi's. Weird huh. How much you want to bet Zelensky is a Khazarian and the Ukrainian Army is the Khazarian Mafia. They stole the identity of the Nazi's.
Another tid bit, Ghislane Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell was another Jew born in Ukraine. He was said to be part of the Israeli Mossad, I would bet he was a Khazarian also. He employed his daughter and Epstein to set up our politicians in honey pot situations so they could blackmail and control our government. Remember the temple owls on Epstein Island? Khazarian.
Q told us we were saving Israel for last, Ukraine = Khazarian Mafia = Israel. All 3 are one in the same. Coincidentally, Putin claim's the Azov battalion army (Khazarian Mafia) has surrendered just as the Durham show is getting started. I imagine the coconspirators in the Maxwell case have not been named yet because it will lead back to Israel. Be patient, one thing at a time. The cabal is being systematically destroyed.
Could be why Q never mentioned Israel except to say they were saving them for last. Let Khazarians think they had everyone fooled with their fake identity while Putin destroys their money laundering and child trafficking operations in Ukraine. The declass will expose the Five Eyes countries at which time we learn the USA, Putin and Xi are militarily united (3 super powers) against Israel and United Nations WEF NWO. NATO can suck it.
Of course its all speculation but it makes sense. We are heading in to the storm.
Stay safe my frens!!!
There are several factual inaccuracies with your account of Hitler and European history.
The Bolshevik Revolution took place in Russia from 1917 to 1923. Hitler did not "chase the bolsheviks out of the Soviet Union." He did not "rise to power promising to destroy" them. He vowed to restore Germany after it had been crushed by the bankers following WWI and the Treaty of Versailles.
Hitler did not "declare war" against Poland. He warned Poland for months after they had been terrorizing and exterminating ethnic Germans living inside of Poland. Hitler followed through on his threats and marched into Warsaw, then offered the Poles an olive branch. Hitler wanted no part of war.
The bolsheviks began invading eastern Europe, and Hitler attempted negotiating with Stalin to stop them in a tactical move. But those efforts failed.
I highly recommend investing the time in watching Europa: The Last Battle The historical facts within the docuseries are well sourced and referenced.
I took the 1921 Bolshevik Revolution from the article. I know there were anti-Bolshevik resistance groups that were fighting them for a few years. I didn't think it added to my story here.
I agree, there could be some inaccuracies here and I think It depends on who's version of events you read and want to believe. I think Bush, Rockefeller and the Rothchilds were funding both sides of WW2 so there will be lies and disinformation to cover their tracks and possible war crimes.
You are correct though, Hitler invaded East Poland, he didn't declare war, my bad, I fixed it. I also added your part about the ethnic cleansing in Poland. I assume it was the Bolsheviks doing the cleansing which still supports my claim.
I watched a video few years ago about Hitler that claimed as Hitler rose to power he was exposing the atrocities of the Bolsheviks which secured his position as President. I wish I could remember the name of it.
Hitler's autobiography was published 1924 and he mentions the Bolsheviks and their almost 10 year reign of terror. If I remember correctly the Bolsheviks was a topic in many of his speeches before he ran for office. He may not have campaigned on the promise to destroy the Bolsheviks but he was extremely bitter with them and made it clear many times. Maybe the narrator of the documentary I watched inferred Hitler's rise to power was due to his stance on the Bolsheviks. Its been a while but that is what I remembered from it.
Thanks for your input.
One thing to be alert to, with respect to historical facts especially of this time period, are the sources one uses. I have to tread a fine line with what I say here, but suffice it to say there is a "group of people" with an agenda that depends upon the propaganda they created to demonize Hitler, and/or twist facts to hide their actual role during that time. If the truth were known, their entire narrative would crumble.
Take the authors of the source material you reference, and just do a quick search on their name. That will usually suffice in informing you whether it's a source/story you can trust.
This guy gets it. Good comment bcfromfl!
Hitler wanted no part of war.
roman catholic rehabilitation pogrom, lie your father lies.
Winston Churchill said once "we will bring this war to Hitler whether he wants it or not"
I gave you the sauce. Watch Europa.
I have. It's a lie. No German soldier ever denied it, how could they, with all of the evidence the Allies found. No American soldier ever contradicted it. You and your roman catholic (hitler, himmler, geobbels, goering, all catholics) lies are smearing the honor of every soldier that fought and died to free an enslaved people.
Never mind that hitler told us what he would do in mein kampf.
I assure you it's not the tendency nor the intention of GAWkers to "smear the honor of every soldier..." etc. We're just like, lookin for truth, man.
Hitler only said in Mein Kampf that he wished to restore Germany for the "volk," after it had been ripped apart following WWI. The quote you are referring to has been misappropriated.
The "evidence" Allies found was all part of the propaganda. Eisenhower made sure that the "soap bars," "lampshades," etc., were on full display. Patton was going to go public with what he knew, which is why he was assassinated. "We fought the wrong enemy."
The "confessions" garnered during the Nuremberg farce were all coerced through torture. There are just as many people refuting the's just that those testimonies have been buried. If you watched Europa, you would understand this.
Q directly called out Hitler multiple times. Europa is bullshit
Europa is not a single source. Dozens of references were used in the series. I'm not familiar with Q mentioning Hitler specifically. Could you link?
Here you go fren.
OK, so I clicked on the links. The first is a news article, clearly a propaganda piece. What was the reason for linking to this? Perhaps to point out propaganda?
The second was to point out a similarity between the flags of the communist party of Germany and Antifa. What's the point, here? Hitler was not a communist.