definitely not "all"!
stress is a factor, so are heavy metals, environmental poisons, unhealthy & contaminated food (GMO's, glyphosate, etc), toxic personal care products lotion/shampoo/detergent/fluoride, vaccines, having too low of an internal vibrational frequency. etc etc
definitely not "all"! stress is a factor, so are heavy metals, environmental poisons, unhealthy & contaminated food (GMO's, glyphosate, etc), toxic personal care products lotion/shampoo/detergent/fluoride, vaccines, having too low of an internal vibrational frequency. etc etc
Yeah, life is risky. Each person has to make decisions on what they allow in their lives.
But I’m not living in fear porn mode!
If I die, I know where I’m going, so there’s that! God bless and have a great day!