posted ago by KimJung-Un ago by KimJung-Un +22 / -2

You're not gonna get many more chances to prepare. It is coming. There is no "savior" for the chaos that will ensue once the cost of essentials becomes unbearable for normies.

Remember the toilet paper fiasco? That was retarded normies. Not preppers.

These people walk around whistling and laugh at the idea of someone like us telling them anything other than tHe GoVeRnMEnt LOVes You. That's all they wanna hear from us. But when it comes to panic, these people will eat their own.

They have no where to go, nothing to protect themselves with and their money is going to disappear while they are left with massive mortgages and car loans.

Mark my words. The animals are almost out of the cage and they aren't mentally ready for the bubble to burst.

If you don't at the very least have a place to go that is away from large populations, get that set up.

The DS is getting more and more desperate by the day. it is THE INTERNET that causing them all this grief. Without it the coma exists.

My wifes retarded normie friends went from going "ya ya" to "what would we do?" as if I was gonna take care of them.

The panic is beginning to show itself. Economically speaking, things are gonna get extremely difficult.
