Canned meats and fish tend to be salty and have other undesirable ingredients. You can lessen the effects by rinsing thoroughly.
Lunch meats can also be boiled, just balance out how much taste you want to lose versus how much processing ingredients are removed.
Salt is not bad for you
This is ammo , learn from, do.... we go this!
It is possible to grow & freeze dry your own “crap”. There is a home freeze dryer on the market (harv*st right dot com). No chemical use at all.
i have one. love it!
Ours runs 24/7! Am amazed at how many things are better with rehydrating.
Soups and stews are the best. I have a ham and bean soup that is my favorite. Ever watch "retired at 40"? He's a great resource.
You will want the extra salt
Too much salt in my diet, the washing off doesn't remove it all. Besides I will stockpile salt as well.
Buy whole grains, grind them fresh and ferment, you'll get more nutritional value for your money, and they store very well in glass. Buy in bulk, save even more. Wondermill Jr is relatively cheap, and amazingly versatile. Hand-milling flour is a chore, but the Wondermill can be driven by a bicycle, washing machine motor, or electric drill.
Sourdough can be used for bread and no-egg pasta. Look up "dry starter" the exact same ratios can be used to make pasta dough that will run through a hand-crank pasta maker. Has to be kept on the drier side though, otherwise it will stick to everything including itself.
Great info! I'm a cyclist of sorts.