I recently broke my wrist while skateboarding, I'm 34 so that is my first mistake
I had two X-rays and anaesthetic and need my hand pulled out of my forearm and the bones manipulated back inline with eachother. I've got an appointment next week, if my bones have moved I'll need surgery to have my bones wired together
That is all free on the NHS, I did a little look in America what I've had done would of cost me $6-7000 if I had no insurance. If I need surgery it would be an extra $10,000+ more on top.
What's your views on American healthcare?
Is insurance cheaper than what I pay in taxes?
Do the insurance companies try to screw you out of care?
How much do the premium costs rise after having surgery or care?
I know Trump cut out the middleman on medication, how corrupt is the system with so many people making money in between the gaps?
I'm completely ignorant on American healthcare system but I personally like free healthcare, I know such leftie talk is not welcome here but I'm happy to hear your opinions.
Edit: I'm asking how the American system works, most people want to just talk about the NHS and it's failures which there is many. What are the pros and cons of American private as I have no idea about it
Thank you I'm getting good care, they were really good. There was the usual few in there complaining as always but you could see they were working hard.
I can't speak for the French system back then as I was a child but as far as I can remember Britain has like a colour code system, bleeding/serious head trauma/organs failure was red the other side of the scale broken bones, cuts needing stitches etc were yellow.
America is an exceptional country I love what the founding fathers envisioned but it looks like the old money of Europe didn't like it and waged war on you to bring you back to being a subject not a citizen.
I'd need to look more into Diana's life and death more as I do feel it was a bit of a ritual killing. I think what did she know.