Points scored for a reasonable response. Care to go one step further?
Would you be interested to share how you arrived here at GAW, what led you here, and what your experience has been with the focus of this board: Q and the Great Awakening?
However, I'm sure you can see it is doubtful that a malicious actor (state, nation, agent) would gain much from this situation
Au contraire! such actors are likely to want to create chaos and confusion. Moreover, these are not the only forms of bad actors. Some people are just hypnotised as*holes out for shits and giggles.
My German is negligible. When I compared the two words, all I could notice what that instead of an "i", there was an "l" (el) or capital "I" (ai). This substitution of a single character (letter) with something that looks almost the same but is not - this is a common and popular technique that trolls, shills and other miscreants use to swindle, delude and mislead the followers of significant accounts on various forms of social media - especially Twitter.
Thus, it is natural to assume a potential for this here, where we ARE subjected to shills and provocateurs, and where most of us take our work and effort here rather seriously.
If indeed you are here in good faith, you actions over time might illuminate that; but a lot of us are skilled and experienced in the various forms of techniques used to undermine such boards as this, and "a sleeper" is not a foreign concept to most of us, I think. So, rather than just saying stuff like this "I believe my good intentions will be clear from my researched posts and my contributions to discourse" - it might be more productive at this juncture to dispel suspicions that have already formed (as you can already see, surely) due to the 'apparent' use of a shill technique for undermining, mimicking and deceiving.
Aka you are behind the eight-ball now; if you want to connect in, you're going to have make some extra effort, imo.
(The majority of this board will NOT be aware of the actual language difference between Zeltreise and Zeitreise; to an English speaking digital warrior, it looks very suspicious.)
Zeitreise is well known on this board for the many contributions he makes. Your good will is more likely to be evidenced by sharing openly with the community on the above points than by what you post even in the medium turn. We have some highly developed Bullshite detectors, which means we also have some excellent honesty/truth detectors, too.
Thank you. I extended an open hand to you and you decided to respond by ponificating, lecturing and telling me (and everyone else here) what I should do and what is the best way for me to act? You have the audacity to lecture me on how to judge things for myself? You spout platitudes, make embedded assertions that are condescending at best, and even go so far as to indirectly compare yourself to Christ.
Are you really trying to be accepted, received and given credence here? Strange way to respond to an invitation to be open and honest with a board comprised by a rather tight knit and dedicated community.
Others who are very well known here, and who I would trust 100 times more than a random unknown newbie (who shouts in the loudest possible terms "Hi everyone! I'm here! I'm enjoying you all so much! Accept me, accept me accept me!"), they have called you out for a shill.
Me? My own definition of due diligence is given someone the benefit of the doubt. On that basis, I invited you to share, to remove the ignorance and any misunderstanding, and be open. You responded by dodging the offer, lecturing me and pontificating with high-sounding platitudes.
To me, your actions speak far greater volumes than your words.
But here. Let me share something with you, because I'm really quite confident at this point that I'll not be giving any more energy to your nonsense: I'm a linguist, deeply trained in language and textual analysis.
The rather weird tone of your comments and writing style is pronounced to someone like me. Already I'm analysing your linguistic background. Questions arise. Non-native speaker, perhaps? Highly formalized learning of English, but disjoined, and in places quite unnatural? Tone, cadence, grammar, syntax choices, lexical choices, orthography... Lack of mistakes, presence of mistakes... Hmmm...
Connecting your writing style to the nature of how you have chosen to interact (or not interact) here paints a picture.
Conclusion: I gave you an opportunity to engage with me, openly. You easily could have written a paragraph or two. Said, sure! and shared some useful details. Instead, you wrote: "I think it’s apparent to me that this mountain made of a molehill cannot be scaled to your satisfaction in a single reply." In other words, you thought it a better choice to dodge the offer, and instead lecture me. Curious choice.
Anyway, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I've done my due diligence. I will say that I appreciate you being so upfront and clear in the way you responded, because now I have very few doubts about your intentions, and I have a very good idea of exactly how much trust and credence I should give to your presence here.
Would you care to share about why you chose a handle that mimics - to the point of deception - the handle of one of our significant contributors?
Share the journey. Help us to help you. Looking forward to your answer.
Points scored for a reasonable response. Care to go one step further?
Would you be interested to share how you arrived here at GAW, what led you here, and what your experience has been with the focus of this board: Q and the Great Awakening?
Au contraire! such actors are likely to want to create chaos and confusion. Moreover, these are not the only forms of bad actors. Some people are just hypnotised as*holes out for shits and giggles.
My German is negligible. When I compared the two words, all I could notice what that instead of an "i", there was an "l" (el) or capital "I" (ai). This substitution of a single character (letter) with something that looks almost the same but is not - this is a common and popular technique that trolls, shills and other miscreants use to swindle, delude and mislead the followers of significant accounts on various forms of social media - especially Twitter.
Thus, it is natural to assume a potential for this here, where we ARE subjected to shills and provocateurs, and where most of us take our work and effort here rather seriously.
If indeed you are here in good faith, you actions over time might illuminate that; but a lot of us are skilled and experienced in the various forms of techniques used to undermine such boards as this, and "a sleeper" is not a foreign concept to most of us, I think. So, rather than just saying stuff like this "I believe my good intentions will be clear from my researched posts and my contributions to discourse" - it might be more productive at this juncture to dispel suspicions that have already formed (as you can already see, surely) due to the 'apparent' use of a shill technique for undermining, mimicking and deceiving.
Aka you are behind the eight-ball now; if you want to connect in, you're going to have make some extra effort, imo.
(The majority of this board will NOT be aware of the actual language difference between Zeltreise and Zeitreise; to an English speaking digital warrior, it looks very suspicious.)
Zeitreise is well known on this board for the many contributions he makes. Your good will is more likely to be evidenced by sharing openly with the community on the above points than by what you post even in the medium turn. We have some highly developed Bullshite detectors, which means we also have some excellent honesty/truth detectors, too.
Thank you. I extended an open hand to you and you decided to respond by ponificating, lecturing and telling me (and everyone else here) what I should do and what is the best way for me to act? You have the audacity to lecture me on how to judge things for myself? You spout platitudes, make embedded assertions that are condescending at best, and even go so far as to indirectly compare yourself to Christ.
Are you really trying to be accepted, received and given credence here? Strange way to respond to an invitation to be open and honest with a board comprised by a rather tight knit and dedicated community.
Others who are very well known here, and who I would trust 100 times more than a random unknown newbie (who shouts in the loudest possible terms "Hi everyone! I'm here! I'm enjoying you all so much! Accept me, accept me accept me!"), they have called you out for a shill.
Me? My own definition of due diligence is given someone the benefit of the doubt. On that basis, I invited you to share, to remove the ignorance and any misunderstanding, and be open. You responded by dodging the offer, lecturing me and pontificating with high-sounding platitudes.
To me, your actions speak far greater volumes than your words.
But here. Let me share something with you, because I'm really quite confident at this point that I'll not be giving any more energy to your nonsense: I'm a linguist, deeply trained in language and textual analysis.
The rather weird tone of your comments and writing style is pronounced to someone like me. Already I'm analysing your linguistic background. Questions arise. Non-native speaker, perhaps? Highly formalized learning of English, but disjoined, and in places quite unnatural? Tone, cadence, grammar, syntax choices, lexical choices, orthography... Lack of mistakes, presence of mistakes... Hmmm...
Connecting your writing style to the nature of how you have chosen to interact (or not interact) here paints a picture.
Conclusion: I gave you an opportunity to engage with me, openly. You easily could have written a paragraph or two. Said, sure! and shared some useful details. Instead, you wrote: "I think it’s apparent to me that this mountain made of a molehill cannot be scaled to your satisfaction in a single reply." In other words, you thought it a better choice to dodge the offer, and instead lecture me. Curious choice.
Anyway, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I've done my due diligence. I will say that I appreciate you being so upfront and clear in the way you responded, because now I have very few doubts about your intentions, and I have a very good idea of exactly how much trust and credence I should give to your presence here.
Sayonara for now!
What’s your opinion on what is going to occur the next 3 years?