If my brother send me that (and he should), I'd be speechless. But I'd also say that about most of the doctors I had previously admired, too. It's not that I want to hear that I was right. It's that the people who should have been able to see the scam were blinded by the narrative. They pushed the poison so self assuredly that it made me cringe. The got so much wrong, about the vax, about Trump, about Ukraine, about the Dems, that just seeing this post makes me wonder it it is real and did somebody really admit to getting it wrong?
If my brother send me that (and he should), I'd be speechless. But I'd also say that about most of the doctors I had previously admired, too. It's not that I want to hear that I was right. It's that the people who should have been able to see the scam were blinded by the narrative. They pushed the poison so self assuredly that it made me cringe. The got so much wrong, about the vax, about Trump, about Ukraine, about the Dems, that just seeing this post makes me wonder it it is real and did somebody really admit to getting it wrong?