400 I keep hearing people say 2000 Mules is bullshit because geotracking on cell phones isn't that accurate... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by ThePowerOfPrayer 2 years ago by ThePowerOfPrayer +400 / -0 56 comments download share 56 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
have you ever played pokemon go. Pretty accurate.
I used a crappy GIS website that connected to my phone's gps and it showed me, by the step, where a property line in a woods was.
it's GPS, same as the military. The consumer is limited to less accuracy than military hardware but it's very good.
Perhaps it might need people to be, oh, I don't know, 6 feet apart to guarantee proper identification.
If you're trying to locate a phone using cell tower triangulation that's not accurate at all.