Those of you who have not heard of John Titor I'll give you a quick notes lesson.
Basically over 20 years ago, a man claiming to be a time traveler told us some unbelievable shit about the future and then after several months, he just disappeared. People have over the years claimed to debunk it, tried to claim responsibility for it, etc. But the mystery has only grown as time moves on because his unbelievable claims made pre-911 about how the world was about to change, have started to come true.
Most debunkers claim he's not worth looking into because the dates were wrong. Much like what we hear about Q debunkers. I would argue the dates he provided were meaningless. What matters was the events set to unfold and the order we would see them.
Since so much came from his time and there is a ton of info, I will only go into the most relevant predictions close to where we are right now.
Over two decades ago, before 911 (if you are old enough to remember, the world was a very different place back then), John Titor claimed the US would have a brief 2nd civil war, brief only because what ends it is WW3, the moment Russia hit the US with nukes and wiped out millions and millions of people. You would have to know how ridiculous that sounded back then because it sounded out of touch during the time period that he told us this. Although now days, you have people on mainstream news telling the world this may actually happen.
And lets talk about this second civil war, it was very interesting the way he described it, he said it would be the cities v/s the rural areas. And that the Fed Gov would be on the side of the cities, and that they would also be the enemies of Russia. When Russia launches nukes, they take out DC and a bunch of cities. The rural population automatically wins the civil war.
Something interesting in his predictions about our future, at the same time we would be facing our civil war, and ww3, there would also be a pandemic.
Now, keep in mind his story was that he was a time traveler, from the year 2036, and that there would be a 2% divergence between his timeline and ours, that some things may play out slightly different for us than they did for him, but that the big things would still happen. For example, his pandemic and ours were different "diseases" but we still both experienced a pandemic.
Whether or not you want to believe he was in fact a time traveler doesn't really matter. What if this was simply a form of intel? What if it was looking glass? Q also knew things about the future. Some people here believe it's from looking glass. Then there's the question of Trump, Tesla and time travel. There have been people who speculated Trump himself played "john", a name he's used in the past to disguise himself. And Titor seems short for time traveler. Either way, i think the john titor story is fascinating and now that some of his biggest predictions for us are starting to look like a raging possibility, I thought I would share in case anyone else would be interested in looking into it.
And of course, some of the most interesting stuff is the post American future he came from. How the US would break up and change politically after the devastation of WW3. How big ag would disappear and local farming would become the number 1 way we feed ourselves. How we would go back to living in small communities again. How people who don't want to pull their own weight wouldn't be welcome in these communities. He even talked about how no one watches TV ( like we did back in the 90's) and went on to describe a different form of entertainment where we watch user created content on the internet instead of big hollywood style movies and shows and cable tv. (He literally described youtube, and this was back in 1999/2000). He also said God would return to the culture in a big way. And that of course, the military would have time travel tech. Fascinating stuff.
Back to the Future and gray aliens: