In your face Lib!
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You think crime in the cities that have called for defunding the police has gone down?
You think if the police actually went away, and if people like you and I existed, that crime would actually go UP?
If there were no police, why wouldn’t I defend my wife, kids, and property? There would be no one to arrest me for doing so.
Hate on!
Yeah man. It’s just police-o-phobia right? Just like those people who don’t want their country becoming an Islamic shithole are Islamophobes.
Why do you have a problem that I believe there are good cops? I accept you don’t believe it. It must infuriate you that there are people on GAW that don’t hold your view. Send scathing letters to your local police station. Picket them. Get pro-active, join defund the police, raise funds for them for anti-police groups. You think the world would be better without them. Let your hatred drive you to action