From the NIH home page … in the search bar at the top right … type “Covid Update truth”.
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IMHO, this is by design and is the same process used by the media to cover their asses when reviewed in retrospect. Remember how the media did everything said in this article, but drip drip dripped out the facts afterwards? They can cover their karma and their ass to say that we told you those facts, once the viewpoint solidifies in the mainstream.
These institutional leaders and their lackeys need to be put on trial and if found guilty, taking out in the most heinous way possible. This is a twofer, to strike back in suck a fashion that all of history will remember and start the healing. People will not trust any of these institutions again. I know that I dont. I have needed an elective surgery for a few years now, I refuse, I will suffer before stepping into the killing fields. I know I am not alone and that is sad.
Remember deagle population chart along with agenda 2030, this isnt over and people need to be aware and stand up to tyranny. We need to get all groups together to unite against the government and tyranny.
And the damage to the normies is already done. Like how many of the bullshit Ukraine stories like "Snake Island" and "Ghost of Kiev" were retracted after a couple days but months later there are still NPCs going on claiming them to be real.