From the NIH home page … in the search bar at the top right … type “Covid Update truth”.
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I love this article! Thanks for sharing! Tomorrow, I’m going to have this article printed out and on my desk (for all that stop by my office) to read!
We (based folks) need to guide the narrative towards healthy living without “help” from the “now-defunct” medical and pharmaceutical professions.
This is hard for some to grasp, but hospitals and most doctors are evil. They want to do good, but they need to be rewarded (paycheck, good press, etc) first. Only then can they do their “job”. So, they do what’s good for them first, to the point of literally killing you.
I am done with the medical and pharmaceutical professions as we know it. I look for courage within, encourage you all, to stand up against their evil tyranny every chance you get!