So the school has zero responsibility (you pay for the school) and the cops have zero responsibility (and you pay for them) and then “they” collaborate to pile all the community children in this spot, where they outlaw guns, as a target of opportunity and hold our children hostage to their demands of giving up our guns. Then they scream in unison, how many children have to die all while they are murdering millions via abortions. The only real question is, what happens when a parent with a gun shows up at the school and takes matters into their own hands of saving their child? Which the court has repeatedly said is the only possible way they will be saved for sure because no one else has the “responsibility.” Well we all know the answer to that and then you have to ask why are we all playing along like this is ok? They confiscate our wealth via taxes, they hold our children hostage, force feed them CRT, immoral filth, designate school gun free targets and sit back and laugh at us playing along. ITS NOT FOOKING OK PEOPLE. Posted by the Colonels Corner on Telegram
No, it's not OK. And we have to stop acting like it is.
✅ - TRUTH - ✅