Right now, we exchange USD for crypto. What if the currency collapses? How would you buy? Can’t spend USDs… so what do you do? Gotta eat!
The only way it could work (a transition) is to allocate bitcoin to everyone… if you have it and we don’t! We need something to trade with … to exchange. Hey I’m not giving up my land or house for it! So what funds this transit? A fair estimate of global assets held by and controlled by… all the folks that met in Davos last week! Safe estimate that’s about 3-4 hundred trillion!!
They think they alone run the world (their own proclamation). No problem, Yea, we get that. But sorry, we’re taking it back to fund a much better model. We’ve now seen yours and it sucks. Seriously sucks!
Trump put the legal framework in place to seize it all before he left. So no worries about survival… there really is plenty for all to build a much better place than what these deranged folks ARE doing.
Precipice? Views aren’t bad at all. The criminal mind isn’t the architect nor the artist of the view on the other side. Excited yet?
What is gold traded for today other than USD?
that's a good question. The question crypto enthusiasts should ask, why is bitcoin tethered to the USD? and wtf is going to happen when USD collapses?
Which is why I'm asking you about it. Many stores around the world accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, especially online retailers are quick to support it as it removes the need for KYC, allowing even small businesses to be GDPR compliant while at the same time lowering their cost of operation.
Nothing really happens to Bitcoin when the USD collapse, it's pegged to a wide variety of fiat currencies already, Ruble, EUR, Yen and many more. It's pegged to metals, the housing market and many more places. Initially some sites and api tracking the exchange rates will have some trouble but that should be fixed within a few hours on most sites.
This also brings up another question, what do you think happens to the US when USD collapses? And whatever plan they have, are you just gonna swallow it or will you resist?
How's gold gonna save you if no business is accepting it? if there's not even infrastructure to safeguard a stash of gold or verify that it's real and not some brick wrapped in goldfoil.