My Gift to those Q that wanted something like this to monitor> IT has been mentioned that China has locked down "Shanghai" and "HongKong" do to a NOVID_19 outbreak Why? Is there something they don't want their people to see?? AND that the CCCP Generals have been ordered to outfit 957 NON-Military transport maritime vessels - with everything they would need to invade the west coast of the USA as orders to stand-down will come from the Whitehouse then the Pentagon will enforce this order. [> PAY CLOSE ATTENTION whenanywhere over Chinese water- you will not be able to count these 957 vessels any where on their side of the world, sound suspicious?? I have clicked on them all, There are only -Enironmental or air polution vessels and "Law Enforcement Vessels." But you will see USA Navy shipd? hmm?? Go see!
this may come in handy for all of us Q, who would like to know what really is fucking going on in the waters - Here is the EVERY country NAVY maritime realtime tracker - BOOKMARK IT - So if this shit happens, you'll know...](](
Sure thing, make sure to pay close attention that there is NOT 957 vessels around Shanghai and Hong Kong - Transponders off? I wonder what is really going on...