DeifieD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yah but where or who gets the money from the sale? I don't want to hear any shit like the money went to the Epstein estate, but it wouldn't surprise me, who is in charge of all his assets, that's the real question here...

DeifieD 5 points ago +5 / -0

What? The lead singer for the Red Hot Chili Peppers!

DeifieD 1 point ago +1 / -0

The headline should have first read "Coming to a theater near you. "

DeifieD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Call me crazy but doesn't this seem more like a plan than claims that these closures are because of theft? IMHO, It smells a ittle like it's part of a well designed plan to target the areas where the most resistance and uprising is sure to unfold when the system comes to a meltdown and supply chains breakdown. When no food is obtainable people will take to the streets and people will die, many people will die. Ingenious when you think how they will wait until we kill the majority of ourselves off first, then they will have a reason to come in and shoot anyone they want justifying each kill, if necessary, saying their targets were hostile renegades who gone mad, those who are in safe regions, have food, weapons, ammo, shelter and radio or TV will believe what they are told from CNN and America could be systematically dismembered, which isnt this what they want anyways? This is when we look back at those YT videos 10-15 years ago who filmed suspicious work going on at Walmart stores that were closed then making claims these would become the pre-REX84 camp processing centers, IMHO, these closures are not due to theft, it's the Walton family doing what they are told to do. All while the wealthy elite enjoy the best of everything waiting it out in their underground Waldorf Astoria suites...

DeifieD 3 points ago +3 / -0

TThat was the most twisted , full of holes, stinks, something aint right here story, I read in a while. They should rename the story to "“The world only makes sense if you force it to.”

DeifieD 6 points ago +6 / -0

You're gonna look pretty stupid eatin corn on the cob "With NO FUCKIN TEETH!"

DeifieD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's hope Biden and the Pentagon will give the green light and not a stand-down order...If this fruits into something

DeifieD 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm sure there are many reasons why. One could be, you will be the one to carry on your family's genealogy, tell the story of your family. One thing is for sure, it has been predecided by God, and I'm sure there are things coming our way nobody has ever seen before, stay strong!

DeifieD 0 points ago +4 / -4

Soon Wikileaks will release what they find on Hunters HD - I heard everything but the thousands, yes THOUSANDS of child pornography videos of Hunter Raping, Beating the hell out of and KILLING small Chinese children, a 25k+ in all. And this is just the Chinese video count I heard there are many many more....Sad

DeifieD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sure thing, make sure to pay close attention that there is NOT 957 vessels around Shanghai and Hong Kong - Transponders off? I wonder what is really going on...

DeifieD -5 points ago +1 / -6

This came from Hunters Hard-drive - and I got to say, that background is the same dam color for a background that 4CHAN uses? right?

DeifieD 1 point ago +1 / -0

so you park you EV inside and charge it? out of the snow? so what will you do when caught in trafiic like this, blizzard, and 21 hours goes by, that is considering you were at a full charge when stopped, sorry no thanks....They do have and use recycling tanks on a gas vehicle, that will clean and filter your oil back to new.

DeifieD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well sir, you are wrong. An electric vehicle, approximately 1.5-2.5 kW of heater draw in outside temperatures from 35 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. With 100% charge on a 32kWh battery, translates to between 21 hours of heat on a 15-35 degree day. A vehicle strictly operating on Gasoline - using a V6 engine with a 15 gallon tank will run at idle with the heat on using 0.5 gallons of fuel every hour, the colder the outside temp the less it will consume fuel, 15 gallons = 30 hours, your meme idea doesnt hold water, the vehicle runs 9 hours longer than your EV. I love people that think they know everything, but really don't, they spend most of their life walking around on this earth pointing out wtf they think is idiodic and unethical, when all they have to do is NOT be that way. Do you think I give a shit to offer you or anyone else safety advice about a shitty idea for a powertrain vehicle that you are considering? gheez....

by BQnita
DeifieD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can you imagine being the person, who flips the switch sending the frequency to go on a rampage and kill people? He has to be the type that when his boss comes in the office and says, okay, so we got it from above that the country needs a serious diversion, so who do we got right now we can beam the directive to that will go down to the store in his neighborhood and just waste as many as he can? Oh, I have just the kid you need sir. We been working on this kid for a while now sir, we sent him all the finances he would need a while back, he thinks his long lost uncle who cut ties with his family sent it, so he's not only stupid enough this kid is loaded for bear, and we know he can get there, we sent him enough money for a vehicle and subliminally he fell for it and went out and bought a brand new truck, weapons and ammo. Would you like this to happen today sir, or?

DeifieD 3 points ago +3 / -0

HENCE M-95 MASK We all know that the 95 is the supposed amount of particles it can block, 95 hmm.. What about the other 5%? So really the only reason a suregon must wear a mask has to be so he/she doesn't accidentally burst out with snot or saliva, spit or spray, protecting the patient. Ultimately, I see it as he/she doesn't get sued if an infection from such develops in the patient post surgery, right?

DeifieD 2 points ago +2 / -0

the scales are apparent for their eyes now, they have had to swallow the big one, jumping ship at the last minute is human nature, what is cool is we all kmow RATS CANNOT SWIM!

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