When hearing about Sussman, just remember...
✅ - TRUTH - ✅
Sun Tsu's Art of War
Step 1 - Engage target in a battle that doesnt matter
Step 2 - Loose battle but only just.
Step 3 - Enemy believes they are winning (We are here)
Step 4 - Begin Endgame of the real battle and win
I think many Americans are like my wife. She is a "new" American and hardcore Trump supporter who used to watch and keep up with all the happenings. Now, she doesn't want to hear about any of it.... Emotionally, she has blocked it out, and has shrunk back into a shell.
I think painfully obvious has came and went.
To me, Trump will go down more of a hero without a disclosure. If his disclosure is... "we have been in control the entire time!", we were just letting you guys suffer and letting the country completely break so that we can all look like HEROs!
that isn't going to play nearly as well with me... maybe I'm the minority, or maybe I'm not...
Why would he say something so utterly obnoxious? Crazy
Better question would be why would he do it?
Do they have control or don't they? Did Biden steal the election or didn't he?
If both of those questions are answer with a yes, then the american people are going to ask why it took so long. And if the answer is Political in nature... which is what the Devolution articles continue to say, then it won't be pretty