You need the strategic view sir. It can be observed where the 5 L
Pillars of a counter insurgency have been effectively taken over and are being controlled by white hats.
The economy is the most interesting. Made to bloom under trump to such degrees that it's roll back would be acute and very bothersome to Americans contrasting the two potentials.
This portion of the war uses the captured media to bring the truth to people, to reveal what is real. This is the awakening and it is happening. You misinterpret the intent, which is psychological stabilization of the population concerning a reality they will need to acknowledge. Truth
.. people will be forc3d to look at it.
That's like saying being on bottom in BJJ is losing. Losing is calling something that is no more than a challenge, losing. Your enemy has convinced you of defeat based on a false measure.
You are delirious if you think we have lost. U are getting the easy treatment for being in the middle of a world War.
We don't struggle pretending to win because WE KNOW we are winning. How you can't see it is beyond me.
You sir are one deluded frog vet. We are not winning. This is not winning. You as ex-mil should know that.
You need the strategic view sir. It can be observed where the 5 L Pillars of a counter insurgency have been effectively taken over and are being controlled by white hats.
The economy is the most interesting. Made to bloom under trump to such degrees that it's roll back would be acute and very bothersome to Americans contrasting the two potentials.
This portion of the war uses the captured media to bring the truth to people, to reveal what is real. This is the awakening and it is happening. You misinterpret the intent, which is psychological stabilization of the population concerning a reality they will need to acknowledge. Truth .. people will be forc3d to look at it.
That's like saying being on bottom in BJJ is losing. Losing is calling something that is no more than a challenge, losing. Your enemy has convinced you of defeat based on a false measure.