Trying to help a pede out (that pede is you!)
There are a lot of abusive glowies, doomers, 3-letter actors, and all around bad eggs on lately.
Don't put up with abuse on a research site. Deport and block as needed.
Our mods are fantastic and tirelessly working to keep this place a home for research and the meme cannons of victory (MAN THE MEME CANNONS!!!)
But those mods, THEY can't do THEIR job if WE don't do OURS. Deport and block a shill today!
Help keep GAW a safe place for someone who loves you, you crazy frogs.
A lot of people here like Musk, I I don't really like him I don't trust him, I voice my opinion on him that's a dissenting opinion.
What you're seeing happen today is we are being over run by shills and glowies trying to cause discent and trap us into saying things that can be construed as violent. The feds do watch this site so the mods do squelch things like that
Wise observation pede. While I can't speak for the mods, I personally get forced to think more of why i believe what i believe from dissenting opinions, so they are, therefore, welcome in my book.
I do appreciate when they are more in the form of, " you are wrong because of x, y, z, from this point of view for this reason."
This is great.
While this one, "u suxx so bad u nazi bastard because of this specific point I focus on which doesnt matter, glowie suckhead of a motherless goat faced stupid....and u suck and are worthless. Go do a Violence. 🤘"
This one not so much.
Thank you for clarifying that for me because I was going to type something on that order but work has been very busy today. You understood exactly what I meant I appreciate that.
Top comment deleted, so no real idea of the context for "dissenting opinion", although I suspect it was something anti-Q or anti-Trump.
It's not always easy to gage, but the real crux of things comes down to intent and purpose.
Raising a dissenting voice in order to increase understanding and enhance the work underway is one thing, but inserting dissent in order to undermine the purpose (and work) of a thing is another thing completely.
This is how good and evil are defined, and how they differ - purpose and intent - even if the external action appears the same or similar.
Yeah, I dunno why the top was deleted.
You are definitely on to something there. The only addition I might have is you also have to be careful as this line of thinking, unchecked, lends towards ends justifying the means type of thinking.
Constructive vs Destructive.
A drill seargent deconstructing a cadet emotionally to make them a better soldier is a perfect example.
"this line of thinking, unchecked, lends towards ends justifying the means type of thinking"
It's an important point. I regularly come up against it, as I attempt to articulate the idea of motive and purpose defining good and evil.
But this is also where truth kicks in and where it matters. For example, Marxists used 'ends justifying the means' with the assertion that they are building a idyllic Utopian dream of equality, justice, and progress. But the truth is, that is a complete lie. Their ends were not true ends, despite the fact that they asserted they were. And that's the truth.
So, regardless of what people say, at the end of the day, if their purpose is aligned with God's purpose, that's going to be good. We may not always be able to judge it, and the lies can gain traction for a period of time. But even if something has power and energy, that doesn't mean that it's true or good. The Soviet Union being one example.
When discussing how motivation - purpose and intent - define good and evil, one has to cognize that some things are true, and some things are not. In my view, God's purpose is good and the Devil's purpose is not, and ultimately, that's the standard of judgment.
Another important point here is that the means are the end. That is, one cannot utilize evil methods to achieve a good purpose. Hence, integrity is also a key factor. Are the means being used integrated with the purpose or end? Or do they contradict it? Do one's actions (means) have integrity with purpose, and is one's purpose aligned with God's purpose?
I think a great example of this is DJT talking about Law and Order. It seems to me that DJT understands and places a great deal of emphasis on law and order being necessary. How the Cabalites ignore or undermine law and order when it suits them is evidence of their corruption.
The ten commandments are often mistranslated and misquoted. As far as I know, the sixth commandments is "thou shalt not murder" and is not "thou shalt not kill". What's the difference here? Purpose and intent.
Anyway, as you said, the key word in applying thinkin is " if unchecked". Care must indeed be taken, especially when thinking!
Thank you mods for not deporting me as I've made some comments in anger that come awfully close to crossing the line.
Lol you're welcome
I never said they were. But glowies do inhabit these forums, and if you think they aren't itching to go after Trump supporters especially Anons you haven't been paying attention.