Yeah bro not mock it or make light of it you need to be a light on the hill people are drawn to not a jerk who calls people names. Jesus didn’t insult people for being corrupted by an evil world he exposed the seats or evil itself. His scorn was always directed to the real perpetrators of evil not the lost being lead by the blind.
This man is a victim of transgenderism and that is the truth. Should he repent his healing will be a valuable asset. For now he is spiritually naked, he is starved of truth, and he is sheltered by demons. Cruel words will not clothe or nourish him, they are just sharp stones we throw as if we’ve never done anything wrong.
Jesus said to call out evil, to rebuke it, and to have nothing to do with it…
Yeah bro not mock it or make light of it you need to be a light on the hill people are drawn to not a jerk who calls people names. Jesus didn’t insult people for being corrupted by an evil world he exposed the seats or evil itself. His scorn was always directed to the real perpetrators of evil not the lost being lead by the blind. This man is a victim of transgenderism and that is the truth. Should he repent his healing will be a valuable asset. For now he is spiritually naked, he is starved of truth, and he is sheltered by demons. Cruel words will not clothe or nourish him, they are just sharp stones we throw as if we’ve never done anything wrong.
I’m no “bro”…
Put it in your bio next to your pronouns if it matters that much.