We really need post suggestions when filling in the title that hits of key words and show posts already posted, such as sussman or durham and you will see the umpteen other sussman and/or durham posts.
With any regularity in visits the repetitiveness gets well, repetitive.
On the other hand, for infrequent visitors you're more likely to catch at least one.
I'd say of equal/more importance is always include sauce/source so post doesn't get filled with "Sauce?" posts, or written off as hearsay or hype
You can search all you want for a post but you won’t find anything with some of the dumbass titles people use.
“Pedes this anon boom wow durr durr” instead of just saying keywords so it’s easier to find. I’ve tried to find things I know exist on the dot wins and it turns out the title was usually some nonsense.
WRONG! The dotwins should have an automatic registry of urls that are posted to the website. If a new post is made with a url previously posted, the poster should be alerted that their post is a “re-post” with links to previous posts with the same url, and a message “do you still want to make this post.” It’s been a feature on plebbit for years. Not sure why it’s not here. The reposts on this website clutter the hivemind effect.
This is a very basic feature that could easily be implemented here and greatly enhance our ability to post and promote information. Yes, different urls to variations of the same news story would be fine. It’s duplicate urls that are alerted to posters. Don’t read into my comment too much. I’m just saying, it’s a lot to ask a user to “search” for previous posts. It could easily be automatic for everyone all the time.
it’s a lot to ask a user to “search” for previous posts
Not really. This is primarily a research community, and expecting people to do a bit of research before they post, whenever they can, is not too much.
It could easily be automatic for everyone all the
Again not really. We dont have access to dot win servers and even if we managed to prod them into implementing this feature, it would only stop maybe 10% of the duplicates since people bring in content from much wider range of sources than on reddit.
On the other hand people could add their own unique commentary for the news they are sharing, in which case it wont be a duplicate but rather adds value.
I hear ya and I mostly feel the same way, but sometimes we get the same posts again and again in a complete time loop and New starts looking like ground hog day, and thats a bit too much 😂
We really need post suggestions when filling in the title that hits of key words and show posts already posted, such as sussman or durham and you will see the umpteen other sussman and/or durham posts.
With any regularity in visits the repetitiveness gets well, repetitive.
On the other hand, for infrequent visitors you're more likely to catch at least one.
I'd say of equal/more importance is always include sauce/source so post doesn't get filled with "Sauce?" posts, or written off as hearsay or hype
You can search all you want for a post but you won’t find anything with some of the dumbass titles people use. “Pedes this anon boom wow durr durr” instead of just saying keywords so it’s easier to find. I’ve tried to find things I know exist on the dot wins and it turns out the title was usually some nonsense.
WRONG! The dotwins should have an automatic registry of urls that are posted to the website. If a new post is made with a url previously posted, the poster should be alerted that their post is a “re-post” with links to previous posts with the same url, and a message “do you still want to make this post.” It’s been a feature on plebbit for years. Not sure why it’s not here. The reposts on this website clutter the hivemind effect.
Aka "reality is not correct because it does not conform to my expectations".
And how does Reddit handle when two posts are for same news but from different sources?
Lol, let me hazard a guess and say because this is not reddit
This is a very basic feature that could easily be implemented here and greatly enhance our ability to post and promote information. Yes, different urls to variations of the same news story would be fine. It’s duplicate urls that are alerted to posters. Don’t read into my comment too much. I’m just saying, it’s a lot to ask a user to “search” for previous posts. It could easily be automatic for everyone all the time.
Not really. This is primarily a research community, and expecting people to do a bit of research before they post, whenever they can, is not too much.
Again not really. We dont have access to dot win servers and even if we managed to prod them into implementing this feature, it would only stop maybe 10% of the duplicates since people bring in content from much wider range of sources than on reddit.
On the other hand people could add their own unique commentary for the news they are sharing, in which case it wont be a duplicate but rather adds value.
I hear ya and I mostly feel the same way, but sometimes we get the same posts again and again in a complete time loop and New starts looking like ground hog day, and thats a bit too much 😂