I know, I know. At first this seems to be unrelated to Q and just makes me sound like an actual raving lunatic. I've only ever brought this topic up a few other times since I found this site, but I just had another thought last night while relaxing and watching a few horror narration videos about the Beast of the Land Between the Lakes (which if you don't know is an actual cold case involving a family being literally ripped apart in Kentucky with no known animal being able to match the carnage).
So what's the general consensus on paranormal creatures? Bigfoot, dog men, wendigo, skin walkers, vampires, etc. etc. Like, do they exist? Just hog wash? What? If you had asked me a few years ago, I would have said is was mostly over active imagination, but these days pretty much anything seems plausible to me.
I've slowly been developing a theory that a lot of these "sightings" are the result of some kind of cabal experiment. Either some kind of air based pathogen that causes hallucinations as a back up/side project to project blue beam, or they ARE real. If they're real, I'm of the belief they're cabal experiments that have escaped from the DUMBs.
To me, that would explain A LOT. Think about it. Why is it that a lot of these people who witness this kind of thing end of having their lives ruined by mysterious government agents? Why is there such a push to discredit EVERYTHING they say? Why is most of the "evidence" always covered up or lost?
Think about Missing 411. How many people go "missing" every year in the national parks of the USA with no apparent trace remaining? Where ELSE have we heard about similar circumstances? I'm not saying this is 100% true, I could very well be wrong, but I think it's plausible at the very least.
These people ARE sick. And Q said that a lot of what they have done will have to remain in the dark for a time otherwise people wouldn't be able to handle it. Imagine the public reaction if they found out these freaks were conducting genetic experiments to create human/wolf or human/gorilla hybrids as some sort of super soldier program?
The Vampire thing in particular is of interest to me, since I've actually seen several other pedes on here talk about how some of these cabal families consist of real life vampires. And I'm not talking about the adrenochrome, I'm talking about literal Nosferatu types that serve as the shadowy heads of the cabal. Though, having mentioned it, the adrenochrome thing probably DOES have some basis in historical vampirism. Perhaps as a cover story for the cabal in the past?
Anyway, just figured I'd throw this out again for discussion since it seems like we're getting close to the mass declass and project blue beam activation.
Some exist.
Angels and demons absolutely exist. I have known and met people who had encounters. While I am not a Catholic, I do find some believability in some of the detailed records of exorcisms and spiritual encounters (not all but definitely some.) The actual journals and event the Exorcist movie is based on, for example, does fit well into the characteristics of actual demonic possession.
Vampires and other monsters? Might have been based on the cabal. They want that adrenochrome. I don't know that they are as we know them in fiction, but I think there is a kernel of truth to it.
Ghosts, spirits, etc? Unsure. From what I know of how the afterlife works, it is very unlikely that they do. Demons love to impersonate ghosts of people, but I also think its possible for angels to facilitate a brief communication with the dead. Its the sort of situation that requires a great deal of discernment on a case by case basis and the latter example of angels is not by a human effort.
I may have had an encounter with a saint, though I will not claim with certainty that I have. I've definitely had encounters with God.
Anything beyond that.. bigfoot, deep sea leviathans, etc.. I'm skeptical, certainly. I would not reject genuine evidence nor my own eyes if I were to find them, but I am wary of buying any mental package wholesale.
Its like when you buy bags of candy mix from the store. There will be a handful of good candy that you actually want and a large majority of discarded low-quality candy that nobody really wants. Its the same with this sort of information.