If you find yourself being one of the brainwashed "anons" who genuinely think homosexuality, trans whatever, and the rest of the movement is a good and natural thing, then ask yourself some simple questions.
Does the DS promote it or condone it?
Is being straight promoted as normal and good for society? No.
Is being gay promoted as normal and good for society? Yes.
Is the nuclear family promoted? No.
Does the government promote wholesome family values? No.
Does the government promote disgusting pedos dressed as demons to read to your children about trans shit? Yes.
Does the government extort your children's education by withholding funding if the school does not promote it's degenerate homosexual policies? Yes.
Are you free to criticize straight people and the nuclear family? Yes.
Are you free to criticize homosexuals and the varying levels of "family" that they promote as normal? No.
Are corporations run or owned by filth around the world promoting the degeneracy? Yes.
Well then you have your answer.
Are you saying gays suck?