posted ago by Suckitreddit ago by Suckitreddit +53 / -1

Things really seem to be coming together quickly now... 1)Halderman Report even though 2020 was “The Most Secure Election in American History!!!”

The report states definitively that ICX (and perhaps by default) Dominion voting systems may be hacked and many states have significant vulnerabilities of their electronic voting systems

  1. The Bodies of Others Naomi Wolf (former Clintonite, classical liberal) has done extensive research to tell the whole story of the lockdowns, the lies, the push to catalogue us like cattle.

With help from Steve Bannon’s volunteer Warroom posse, and her site dailyclout.io she has been able to put the big picture together —examining Pfizer’s document dumps each month to find the smoking gun (what they knew and when they knew it)

Book is selling like crazy...

  1. #walkaway Brandon Stratka, previous dem and Trump hater, began the #walkaway movement after seeing a REAL Trump statement in full (as opposed to what the media said about it).

He watched it over and over..and that first red pill lead to others.

His #walkaway campaign was deplatforned from Facebook (the same day that Trump was) ...and the compiled testimonials from former Democrats who had walked away from the lies were lost.

He was put under house arrest for 3 months By the DOJ after attending Jan 6th. But he’s building a site up again for more Dems to post their walk away story.