So you are applying for government permission to carry a gun, the same government in violation of the 2nd Amendment by passing legislation requiring you to apply for a license.
Makes sense.......
It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant the majority of Americans are regarding Rights, Source of Rights, and the purpose of 2nd Amendment.
There is no such thing as 2nd Amendment Rights. Never has been.
If you have to apply for a license to oppose government corruption, you are part of the problem.
The 2nd Amendment has no bearing on The People. Its sole purpose is to remind government that it is prohibited from infringing on the preexisting right to bear arms, as conferred upon us by our Creator.
The 2nd Amendment has no bearing on The People. Its sole purpose is to remind government that it is prohibited from infringing on the preexisting right to bear arms, as conferred upon us by our Creator.
This is the critical piece most people don't understand and approach any argument with the flawed premise that those rights were granted by the Founders to the people. It always amazes me when I explain this to someone and watch the lightbulb turn on for them.
So you are applying for government permission to carry a gun, the same government in violation of the 2nd Amendment by passing legislation requiring you to apply for a license.
Makes sense.......
It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant the majority of Americans are regarding Rights, Source of Rights, and the purpose of 2nd Amendment.
There is no such thing as 2nd Amendment Rights. Never has been.
If you have to apply for a license to oppose government corruption, you are part of the problem.
The 2nd Amendment has no bearing on The People. Its sole purpose is to remind government that it is prohibited from infringing on the preexisting right to bear arms, as conferred upon us by our Creator.
This is the critical piece most people don't understand and approach any argument with the flawed premise that those rights were granted by the Founders to the people. It always amazes me when I explain this to someone and watch the lightbulb turn on for them.