Just thinking tonight, why wasn't I one of the ones who fell for the BS shot? My whole family are Christians, but every single one of them fell for it.
Why did God give me discernment and not them? Is there some sort of purpose behind this?
Wondering if anyone has some sort of commentary towards this, because I definitely do not feel worthy or special in any way. In fact, they are way better people than I am.
Who knows. This war is fascinating and all I can do is trust in God. Because I sure as hell do not trust anything else anymore.
God is infinite. That is why He did it. Christ is on nearly every page of the bible. Our human means of rationalization can never reach the depths of His infinite wisdom.
Think of it this we broke the moral law, the ten commandments, and Jesus paid the fine. Through this payment we are set free. All we need to do is turn from our wicked ways and trust in Jesus like we would a parachute as we jump out of an airplane.
Jesus was and is the creator. He was the one who was calling for Adam in the garden after he ate the fruit. He was the Angel of the Lord who spoke to Moses. He was the rock Moses struck and produced water. Jesus is the door to the Father, no man has heard the Father speak or has seen His face. It was always Jesus they heard and saw.
A day of torture and ridicule plus six hours on the cross, and two days in hell conquering the devil, is but a blink of the eye for an infinite being. A fraction of the blink of an eye at that.
Jesus despises the Sin, not the Sinner.
Great Question-shows you are thinking.
In our human rationalization it is finite. But He is infinite. His blood continually washes us over through the Holy Spirit. God dwells within all of us.