Just thinking tonight, why wasn't I one of the ones who fell for the BS shot? My whole family are Christians, but every single one of them fell for it.
Why did God give me discernment and not them? Is there some sort of purpose behind this?
Wondering if anyone has some sort of commentary towards this, because I definitely do not feel worthy or special in any way. In fact, they are way better people than I am.
Who knows. This war is fascinating and all I can do is trust in God. Because I sure as hell do not trust anything else anymore.
Old Testament vs. New Covenant. Legal vs. Grace. Wise people of faith know to heed the New Covenant words of Jesus. Christians locked into the Old Testament Law seem to be more inclined to bend to authoritarian plandemic compliance. Just my observation. I hate to mention, but, as we know, MEN removed books of the Bible and The Vatican made sure they still remain hidden. This is huge! We do not even have full access to The Bible.