posted ago by GoingCamaro ago by GoingCamaro +45 / -1

It is about the sacred human right of self defense. The text does not say anything about guns, it says "arms" as in "armaments" as in tanks, fighter jets- everything the government could protect itself with the civilians were not prohibited or hindered access too.

A "well regulated militia" is meant to be regulated by us the citizens not the government. If someone drops off a fully armed battle tank at my house, it will probably collect rust cause gas is too damn expensive! Weapons do not enable anyone to kill. Giving someone a gun does not magically summon evil thoughts and desires to kill. And if it does, it's because the person is mentally sick and needs help not because the gun is some magical demon summoning totem.

I mean what I say. The Bill of Rights is Human Rights, plain and simple. The 2nd Amendment is about self defense, personal and national. It is inappropriate for anyone to dictate what rights I can and can't have access too. All gun laws are not laws at all. They are unconstitutional. They are gun infringements and they all need to be abolished. Do I trust my neighbors with fighter jets and bombs? Well... I sure as fuck don't trust the US government with them...

EDIT: The Founding Fathers were learned scholars. They studied history and knew warfare would evolve. The term "armaments" encompasses ALL armaments. That's why they wrote it that way...