We are all aware (painfully!) of the rising prices and expected shortages of food. We know that computer chips are long lead items because of both manufacturing and supply chain issues. What else do we expect to be short that an average guy should start buying for sustainment? I understand food water and ammo, but what about sustainment and repair items like glue or chemicals or parts or whatever else?
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We don't have a fireplace but we made a bunch of fire starters. loaded up on extra OTC meds, also trying to talk dr into given us an extra 90 days worth of meds and a lot of exchange items, diapers, female sanitary items, used clothes, soap, toothpaste, laundry soap Charcoal briquets for cooking and charcoal for water filtration. Kinda hard to know what we'll need. There are a lot of videos online about the things you'll need. Oh yah, little sewing kits, fishing kits, garden seeds! Hope that helps a bit.