I HAVE NO THEORY = as you can see I researched, found and did COPY-PASTA-POSTING for discussion.
Then the mods made a stickie REALLY QUICK with a flair. Without the mods I wouldn't have had any 15 upvotes and it would be o.k. for me.
Instead of discussion, a lot quick reactions came up WITHOUT ANY READING OF THE LINKS!
Edit: O.K. it seems some appreciate the findings to dig deeper - thank you!
"How Scientology Got 5,000 Secret Agents in the Government" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgZyjR2SOuE
The Most Successful Infiltration Of The US Government Was Pulled Off By The Church Of Scientology:
"Forget Communists, Russians, and lizard people - nobody has launched a greater espionage mission within US borders than the Church of Scientology. They might not have entirely gotten away with it, but it's hard to argue Operation Snow White was anything but a resounding victory - and a major reason why the church remains powerful to this day.
Operation Snow White Began In The '70s After The Church Lost Its Tax-Exempt Status
A number of legal issues for both L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology prompted the development of Operation Snow White in 1973. The most direct cause was the IRS's decision to revoke Scientology's tax-exempt status six years earlier, which the church didn't want to accept.
The IRS had said it "proved conclusively that the church was operated for the benefit of L. Ron Hubbard and his family."
The Goal Was To Get Rid Of Negative Reports On Scientology
Hubbard fervently denied the FBI's findings that the church operated for his benefit and continued to refuse orders to pay taxes. To change the US government's view of Scientology as a "dissident group," L. Ron Hubbard and the church set out to "purge unfavorable records" of allegedly false reports the intelligence community had collected about the organization.
Operation Snow White began innocently - if perhaps dishonestly - enough, but it soon devolved into what some called an outright conspiracy against the US government. ..."
for more research on Scientology perhaps go here: https://www.xenu.net/
or here: https://vault.fbi.gov/church-of-scientology
Clinton, China & Scientology:
" This article will present a case that the Clinton administration is a front for the Church of Scientology. This is an exercise in investigative journalism published here in alt.religion.scientology. I don't want a career in journalism I just want to live in a free country. If you agree with the facts and concepts I will reveal to you please get in touch with Congressman Bob Barr or Senator Don Nichols who is presiding over the Senate Finance IRS Oversight subcommittee.
A clear planet is a planet governed by Scientology. SCIENTOLOGY IS THE VEHICLE OF THE BEAST. They are closer to achieving this goal than you may expect.
With all of Clinton's dodgy relationships being brought out into the light, why hasn't anyone thoroughly investigated his unabashed endorsements of Scientology? Because they don't know what Scientology is and they haven't asked the million dollar question: is Bill Clinton a practicing Scientologist?
That is the missing link between this administration's actions and motives. We know much of what this administration has done, where they've done it, to whom and when etc. But nobody has really asked "why." Why has this President single-handedly disgraced the office and bastardized it with such flagrant disregard for morals and dignity? Why does this administration so viciously attack its critics? Why does this President hold himself above the law?
The Clinton administration MO regarding suppressive persons is exactly the same as Scientology's MO... attack the attacker, investigate the investigator. Look what the White House is doing to Ken Starr, and what they've done to Linda Tripp. Both of them are being investigated. (James Carville -- nuff said) What about Filegate? This whole administration smacks of Scientology. ..."
Is this Operation Snow White connected to Jeffrey Epstein?
"Jes Staley — the former CEO of Barclays who resigned last week following an investigation into his ties to late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein — reportedly exchanged some 1,200 emails with the perverted moneyman over a four-year period.
Some of those emails included mysterious terms such as “snow white” that have yet to be explained, the Financial Times reported, citing people familiar with the correspondence between Staley and Epstein. Epstein killed himself in 2019."
Which Q-Posts refer to "Snow White"?
All credits to Robistro for this link: https://qalerts.net/?q=%7Csnow+white%7C
Scientology was founded in 1954. How old were bill and hillary then?
Where do they say that Clinton founded Scientology? Does Scientology still exists? Yes? Does Clinton has ties to them? READ THE LINK!
Lets look at your timeline.
We know elder bush was responsible for the JFK assasination. So lets use that as a timeline point for the modern era of the cabal. 1963. Ten years later the IRS cuts off scientology. Why? Your post indicates the cabal then procceded to infiltrate itself? The clintons are still an active part of this current era or what it has evolved into. Scientology is not, and probably only even allowed to exist because it knows where many bodies are burried. It has been demonized by the DS/MSM for decades.
Your post has ZERO sauce to back up this claim here.
What I have read of this (https://members.tripod.com/cic_ops/cescah.htm) does the same thing you do. 'MuH SiMiLaR tAcTiCs' Thats it. No sauce that I could find skimming it and I am not reading all of that crap so feel free to post proof from it here if there is any.
What endorcement? THIS is NOT a sauce. Evil uses these tactics period. There were 3 major families in the cabal at this time. They all used these tactics, even against each other.
I was 'digging' into operation clam bake back in the 90's shortly after he put up the page (your link: https://www.xenu.net/ ). Hubbard was most probably an OP of the cabal at some point, BUT he was BATSHIT crazy and most probably went rogue. Otherwise why would the cabal/DS attack him with the IRS? Why did he have to move his organization offshore to his fleet of ships? Your theory needs to have the governemnt convienently be "good" and need to be "infiltrated" by the cabal with scientology AFTER we already know the cabal is in charge. I can see the cabal resuming some control of scientology in the 80's and 90's, but not the other way around.
I posted to this thread as a counter point to your theory that scientology is how the cabal infiltrated the US government when it already had control, and because of the EXTREAMLY LOOSE tie in of the clintons. Presumably in an attempt to give your theory some credibility. I just dont see any of it fren. If I am misunderstanding any of this let me know.
Thank you for your good points regarding this.
Keep in mind: I HAVE NO THEORY = as you can see I researched, found and did copy-pasta for discussion. Then the mods made a stickie really quick with a flair.
Instead of discussion, like you did it now, a lot quick reactions came up. So I appreciate very much your work.
But I am wondering about all the aggression, really.
As to what may appear as aggression. I see many post on this forum that look intended to dilute the discussion. Some are with good intentions, some are not. I like to probe and see what I can see. I asked about the clintons age in regard to scientology as an attempt to understand your tie in to those families and scientology. Your response seemed a little bit aggressive to me as well. Either way, thank you for the dig.