I'm getting to the mindset that every single elected official, whether on the left or the right needs to be unelected. No matter what you think unelected means. Just get them out of office, then force new elections for all of these open seats with heavily viewed elections and only paper ballots. I'd love to see the tree of liberty watered with the piss from these traitorous jerks who claim they are for the people. Once we begin watering the liberty tree then maybe we can get this great country back on track. But it will take some serious watering.
I'm getting to the mindset that every single elected official, whether on the left or the right needs to be unelected. No matter what you think unelected means. Just get them out of office, then force new elections for all of these open seats with heavily viewed elections and only paper ballots. I'd love to see the tree of liberty watered with the piss from these traitorous jerks who claim they are for the people. Once we begin watering the liberty tree then maybe we can get this great country back on track. But it will take some serious watering.