Qalert Link:
This is an open discussion on anything relating to the Deltas for today.
Previous digs, coincidences, news, etc - All information is welcomed.
Keep in mind that newer anons might not be aware of the drops on this day, so let's enlighten them and get them up to speed. Newer Anons - Please feel free to ask questions!
I wanted to highlight something here, not particularly this post, but all posts in general.
5:5 can refer to Revelations 5:5 -
Back in my pre-mod days, there was a delta on the day that the Covid spell broke in the masses, which contained 5:5. I mentioned its connection to Revelations in a comment long ago. It was amazing to see God reveal himself in a message.
If you aren't reading the Bible already, please do. When it is said that this movement is Biblical, you will find the connections that parallel our times right now. Not just in Revelations, but also in the stories of the great battles. Read the messages that God gives his people, Read how God slays his enemies, Read how the Kings reacted and obeyed God's messages. The light of our path will reveal itself.
I've been meaning to write more on this subject, but I've been busy at home alongside my mod duties as the political situation develops. I'll promise to carve some time and make it happen! I'm no Bible expert, and I'm learning too. I look forward to you all learning with me! 😎