419 Donald J Trump…. “USA MUST FIGHT BACK” …. That US GUYS !!!👍👍👍 (media.greatawakening.win) W W G 1 W G A posted 2 years ago by Oldpatriot (context) 2 years ago by Oldpatriot +419 / -0 57 comments download share 57 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
You can't do anything about it by jawboning as a defeated candidate and former president.
It's way past time to take more decisive, much stronger action to restore yourself to the Presidency which is rightfully yours.
You can't bring everyone with you. Multitudes are hopelessly stupid and/or hopelessly corrupt. Leave them to nature.
Let's go MAGA - and stop bloviating about it.
We understand the codified reasons for waiting for the two year mark of the steal.
We understand that the WEF guys are cornered and in deadly earnest and may have various kinds of "super" weapons.
Take what care needs to be taken but show us we have a true leader.
Be cool bro