Posting this up here for others reading, seems like other posters have brought up some red flags in this post including the misspellings and plural errors that would not be expected from teacher or a group setting this up. Especially if this is supposed to be started by the FBI, they shouldn’t be posting something with obvious misspellings.
good find op...this will wake up ppl for sure
Posting this up here for others reading, seems like other posters have brought up some red flags in this post including the misspellings and plural errors that would not be expected from teacher or a group setting this up. Especially if this is supposed to be started by the FBI, they shouldn’t be posting something with obvious misspellings.
To me "misspellings and plural errors" in the post, are solid proofs it was posted by a teacher!
GoOd OnE
To be fair, I had some really dumb teachers in school. They are definitely not all masters of the English language.