I was just reading an article on Epoch Times (See AnnaMAGA's post below) about the incoming population implosion. Pretty much all first world countries are in a serious population decline and the entire world is on the precipice of and trending towards non-replacement birth rates.
Almost all of this is due to left-wing indoctrination on many levels. Guilting women into careers over family, addiction to birth control, promoting gay life styles, gender dysphoria, abortion, addiction to materialistic things (money over family), etc.
They have their hooks into the majority of conservatives as well. Think of your conservative friends, family, and colleagues. How many of them have 3 or more children? Not many, right?
Conservatives dismiss most of the lies of the left, but they only need to fall for one to ruin their prospects of a large family. Which for us, usually comes down to making money and materialistic goods a priority over family.
We could decimate leftwing ideology in a generation, as they stop breeding and if we could convince conservatives to target 4 children.
I believe there is nothing more important right now for conservatives than these 2 things. 1 - Have at least 4 children. 2 - Be VERY active in their lives, set examples, and instill your values (if you don't, the left will).
I think people would quickly realize that there is no joy greater on this earth than having a large loving family.
Genesis 1:28. God always had a plan, we just need to listen.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently because I agree with you - why are first world countries not having more kids? Think about it. Is our generation better off than our parents (for me, the generation that came after the war)? Housing prices are insane, education costs are insane, Health insurance prices are insane, you can’t support a family on one income anymore. Everything has gone up except for wages. The answer to that question is I don’t think so, and I think a lot of us know that and we also know that it doesn’t make sense to have a lot of kids because there’s just no financially to support them. I’m not talking material stuff I’m talking just surviving a good quality life. And I think about the people that are immigrating here, are there lives here better than where they came from? Absolutely! That’s why they continue to come here and have lots of kids.
Your statement “Have at least 4 children. 2 - Be VERY active in their lives” Is extremely difficult for most people in this country since we just do not live in a culture or lifestyles that support that. Maybe if you live out on a farm in a rural area you can do this? But I live in a high density suburban area there’s just no way even for kids this is a stainable here without two people working, kids in schools (probably public), food costs, it just doesn’t make financial sense.
I agree we need to change this from the top down with tax incentives for families. I just remember thinking “if my husband and I had tons of money right now we would just nonstop having kids” it has nothing to do with material stuff, it just has to do with being able to give them a good life (me stay at home, home school or private school) and that’s very hard to do right now.
For what it’s worth, my friends who have two kids and both work high-paying government jobs are all struggling right now so I know this is something felt at all levels throughout our country.
Just my two cents. Again I wholeheartedly agree with you, I just think it’s difficult to have more than2 kids in most places in this country, that’s all.
This. The sheer greed of the cabal has made having families difficult. They’d rather us be good workers in their machine making them rich, while spiraling education, housing, and healthcare costs make having a family very difficult for the people actually doing the work. And of those with kids, I know MANY people with only 1 kid.
There are people who still live on one wage earner but it’s hard and sacrifices have to be made in a number of areas to make it work. Someone has to stay home and homeschool the kids. Can’t do new cars and a strict budget. All these things I just stated don’t seem to make sense to most people but it works