"Mark Middleton, Bill Clinton’s special advisor from Little Rock, Arkansas who connected the former president to deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died at the age of 59 in early May.
"At first, no details of Middleton’s death were disclosed, however, the case was blown wide open after a FOIA request by Radar Online revealed the former advisor was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast to his chest.
"Mr. Middleton was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast to his chest and an extension cord wrapped around his neck 30 miles from his Arkansas ranch."
Oh, and this is supposed to be a suicide. I shit you not.
EDIT: The comments got really good on this one.
But it was still ruled to have been a suicide.
Natural causes.... because it's natural to die like this if you have dirt on the Clintons.
He had information that could lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton. He is now dead. Naturally