Suddenly “out of nowhere” comes SADS! Just like SIDS. The powers that be try to blame parents for SIDS-it is a result of “co-sleeping”, parents rolling over on the baby, baby being entrapped between the mattress and bumper pads, etc. It is most likely a result of all of the vaccinations children are given at such a young age when the immune system is not mature. The MMR vax often causes irritability and fever. SADS is most likely a vax reaction to, but in a different way-sudden cardiac arrest even in highly fit athletes after exercise, or a massive clot to the lungs, heart or brain. Let’s call it what it is!
Suddenly “out of nowhere” comes SADS! Just like SIDS. The powers that be try to blame parents for SIDS-it is a result of “co-sleeping”, parents rolling over on the baby, baby being entrapped between the mattress and bumper pads, etc. It is most likely a result of all of the vaccinations children are given at such a young age when the immune system is not mature. The MMR vax often causes irritability and fever. SADS is most likely a vax reaction to, but in a different way-sudden cardiac arrest even in highly fit athletes after exercise, or a massive clot to the lungs, heart or brain. Let’s call it what it is!