Suicide of Clinton advisor starts to look fishy…
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Starting ..??
Hang yourself first then shoot yourself with a shotgun…..happens all the time…what’s fishy bout it? 😤😤😤
After all, when you hang yourself, you still have two hands free to shoot yourself. 🙄
"Suicide of Clinton advisor starts to look fishy" is a pleonasm.
They really need to stop using the extension cord on every single victim, add some variety in there.
Fishy?? Seriously?? The FBI and DOJ are so far up Hilliarys,,,,, well you know.
Ok, ok, ok.... hear me out, I can explain this. He was planning to hang himself but have the gun with him to shoot the rope if he changes his mind. He have seen this in movies before and he believes he can pull it off. While the the rope tightens, he's drawing his last breath, the darkness is closing in... BAMMMMMM! He shot himself in the chest. Seen it a thousand times.