I didnt watch the Heard- Depp trial because frankly, could not care any less about either of them, but wondering if this is a real photo: did they both have these ties on? If so, may need to pay closer attention to if anyone else has worn anything with bee symbol on it.
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I noticed.
It's not always a hive mind mentality.
Bees are Paparazzi.
They're the ones who keep Hollywood Celebs in check and on their toes. Making sure they don't say something about the Cabal or go too off the rails with sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Them wearing bees could simply mean they are telling one another that they spoke to Paparazzi.
Tie colors, patterns, hand gestures, glasses, hair styles, fashion apparel...
All this is a part of the Hollywood messaging system, so they can communicate with journalists, paparazzi, and one another while the normies just hear radio static.