Q posted in 521:
We are at WAR [@].
Do you TRUST the US Military?
Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?
But I wonder whether we might be seeing a different scare event that has the optics, but not necessarily manifest.
The price of gold, says this guy, is driven by optics. As long as there is liquidity, the bond market is basically growing. If the bond market cracks a little bit, 250 trillion in derivatives may see some heavy swings ...
Take also note of Sergei Glasyev' s book: the last World War the US to lose, concerning the setup of a new currency for cross border trades.
Combine this with: The great Chessboard by Brezinski.
I have watched the $ / € relationship development in amazement. We went from 1,23 to 1,07. Quite the opposite from what you would expect when the printer is working overtime. I also noticed the peculiar difference in performance of Bitcoin vs XMR. We are in lala-land with the concern to price-discovery. (I know, it is a paper market.
At any rate: what would happen if Gold would indeed run above 2000 this summer/fall or later this year? The amount of money that potentially can flow into this asset is quite considerable. We are not talking a measly 1 Trillion of Chinese dollar holdings. Gold destroying the FED? What if the FED does not want to monetize any more debt? Or a default on debt happen, due to a combination of inflation and too much debt?
Say you have a 10 YEAR BOND AT 2%. And inflation, which turns out not to be of a nature that is passing, but rather, is transitioning the whole ball-game .... 8% -> 16% -> 32% -> 64%. Damn, are you willing to hold bonds at 2% for 10 years, while the governments inflates itself away? At a certain point, the IRS yield of tax money can only sustain so much being behind the curve: Income needs to be elevated to such a degree that the tax- ingress is on par with the need of the interest payments on the debt. Otherwise .... deficit spending is done.
What I find interesting is the sheer increase in debt happening right now. I guess that is caused by speeding up the timeline, because of Trumps interference in the execution of the 16 year plan.
But whatever Gold & Silver may do in relation to the dollar or the Euro, what is important is what you can buy with it. This is the head scratcher .... If you can only buy another fiat currency, you are basically being defrauded, though it can still act as an insurance. I am located in Europe, so the deference to gold and silver is quite different from country to country.
I was pleasantly surprised when I asked a couple of business people, like bakers, butchers, etc, whether they would be willing to accept gold and silver as payment? They said they are. So, I guess, we have the beginnings of a nice shift into a parallel economy. I am still figuring on a credit circle ... but I guess it will come together, once the reason and urgency for it becomes manifest to more people.
Think of Gold and Silver as damn cheap, for now while other assets are fast rising in price ....
Keep stacking boys and girls.
I made the other one print if off for me before they kicked me out ;-)