Found out about this guy (never heard of him before) thanks to this post, about Truth Social banning Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
I followed the links. Seems far and away clear that Tenpenny was banned by TS.
However, she links this guy from her GAB account.
So, I listened through his podcast to find out the details, and some are provided, but then he goes into HIS explanation of why DJT is now sucking up the Swamp, reaching out to Big Tech, starting to get in on the censorship game, etc.
Basically, he goes on an anti-Trump rant, examines Trump from the decidedly Normie perspective that DJT is just some politician who is corrupt and degraded and now showing his true colors.
Barf. I get seriously ugly vibes from this guy. (As I describe in my comment on the aforementioned post, here.)
Much as Tenpenny has a lot of cred and I give her lots of cred accordingly, sorry. I've got far too much information and understanding and evidence that informs me to give my trust to DJT (and by proxy, the TS team) than any doctor who, while nobly motivated, is focused on ONE aspect of the world and may really not know or even understand about what the Deep State is really doing, or how the Cabal works. Certainly trust DJT more than an alt-media commentator who appears quite confidently to think he knows much, much better about Trump and what Pres. Trump is or should be doing than Trump himself.
What does the board think? Do they know this guy? Has he a track record?
Well, frankly, what I see is knee-jerk reactionism playing out by dozens of folks who seem to have been trained to leap to the worst possible conclusion and assume bad faith.
I can easily imagine half a dozen scenarios where this situation evolved and emerged without any malicious or duplicitous or bad faith intentions here. So easy to imagine these plausible scenarios, and yet so many people seem to have as their first thought:
"Gee. TS banned Tenpenny. Obviously TS is (wrong/bad/duplicitous/disingenuous/evil/etc)"
in other words, the presumption of guilt, instead of the presumption of innocence. Is this a zeitgeist reside from the Depp/Heard case?
In my view, DJT and Nunes and TS have earned the right to be given the benefit of the doubt UNTIL all the facts come to light.