Most likely they hardened your water supply, which would change the taste and is still not great for you. Let me help you on your goal; figure out how, in the cheapest/affordable way possible to create clean alkaline drinking water. Imho, the berkey system is the budget choice even for how expensive that is. Plus, some people here are offering DIY solutions, your post isnt crazy, its just sad that in a western nation, healthy drinking water is becoming a privileged thing
Most likely they hardened your water supply, which would change the taste and is still not great for you. Let me help you on your goal; figure out how, in the cheapest/affordable way possible to create clean alkaline drinking water. Imho, the berkey system is the budget choice even for how expensive that is. Plus, some people here are offering DIY solutions, your post isnt crazy, its just sad that in a western nation, healthy drinking water is becoming a privileged thing