Thank you. I need to see that stuff on the harder days. Sometimes its not even about the mess the world has became - i just become overwhelmed with whats going on in my own personal/family life. I take care of my disabled grandpa and ill be here until his last can be heartbreaking and stressful some days. Turn on the news, read comment sections on fb/reddit etc and its like they take those feelings and magnify them.
I come here and i see people being uplifting,sharing God's love,etc...and it can actually help me end a very negative day with positive energy. You know that term Digital Solider? Well Soliders arent ONLY in firefights, sometimes theyre on a rescue mission.
My hat comes off to you in admiration, but it also comes off in condolences of everyone who has broken under the weight of our recent past.
Thank you for your post. I took care of my sick grandfather many years ago and I was holding his hand and talking to him when he passed. Same with his wife, my grandmother, some years later. You will never regret this time you spend with him. I cherish even the moments the three of us spent at the VA hospital when he was getting radiation treatments for throat cancer. We laughed a lot even though we knew the situation was dire. But we also knew we had better laugh together while we could.
That lovely grandfather of mine who died back in 1993 has been much on my mind because on April 6th of this year, which was my grandfather's birthday, one of my daughters had a son.
The circle of life is a spiral that pulls us upward. When my time comes to go Home, I take a lot of comfort in knowing that my grandpa will be at the front of the pack waiting to greet me.
This bond you are forging with your grandfather as you care for him is a bond forged in fire. You'll be broken hearted when you lose him, but the bond won't be broken. And he'll watch over you from Home.
Blessings to you and to your grandfather.
Huh, small world
My birthday happens to be 4/6
That said, thanks for sharing your story and love ❤
Wow! Small world is RIGHT! I feel like that's a little love being sent my way from my Gramps through you. He was the sweetest man in the world.
Happy Birthday--belated but heartfelt! :)
"There are no coincidences" right 😉 haha