Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you arent familiar with him, this is the song he made before he went to do his time. (They used his past and his lyrics against him and gave him 6 months in a max prison just for being at j6)...

but yeah, this song was very different than anything he had posted before, he tends to be on a more agressive rap flavor not this laid back country vibe, so alot of us were (pleasantly) surprised to see that.


Jamezelo 4 points ago +4 / -0

(if you don't know, PTB did 6 months in prison for being at J6)

Jamezelo 5 points ago +5 / -0

lol i literally just googled "kimmel step" and it brought up multiple things about it. Apparently some are calling it a 'vacation' tho

like i said on a post about this just a few minutes ago tho, im done with the whole script of "theyre resigning" - i want to see optics. let the public see these people for what they are, and then get rid of them.

Jamezelo 5 points ago +5 / -0

I just figured i'd share this - Not all hope is lost. In this era of "im offended" and "thats racist" - You might enjoy this black dude laughing his ass off the entire time watching Blazing Saddles. I never thought i'd be the type that would watch someone else watch a movie, lol - but.... It's great to see some people still appreciate "offensive" humor. This guy actually went down the entire Mel Brooks rabbit hole and he loved all of it lol


Jamezelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would definitely read it, but - I mean, my email right now is a bunch of things telling me they couldnt process their payment cause im broke af so.... I couldnt even afford to rent a blockbuster tape right now (if that was still a thing) lol

deleted 5 points ago +5 / -0
Jamezelo 4 points ago +4 / -0

its just like how they made Bin Laden the face of 9/11 even though he was a glowie that was already on dialaysis. Lets not remember how his family was flown out of the country before it happened though. Thats conspiracy theory stuff.

Jamezelo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also under Ingrian, we get this:

Adjective kamala (comparative kamalamp)


bad, terrible

Jamezelo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Can you imagine if Trump did a press conference or whatever and did this? Literally just showed based memes. I'd watch the hell outta that lol

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Calm down, Barney.

(if you don't get that joke - in the show How I Met Your Mother, Neil Patrick Harris swears by the suit. even his pajamas are a suit lol)

Jamezelo 13 points ago +13 / -0

i just cut a hole in the bottom of my popcorn because they can blow me.

Jamezelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pharma has alot of blood on its hands since way before covid. Just look how many people were prescribed something for pain, became addicted to it - then it was taken away - so they ended up resorting to heroin and died.

Or for that matter, even the people that never got to that step and still became either casualties or slaves to opiates and etc

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm aware. It just doesn't work for me.

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I've heard it does great for some people. But, it's never done anything for my issues. I've tried everything from smokable, to drops, to gummies, to even rubbing a balm on my stomach.

But, like I mentioned with the pills - when i'm in the hospital and the pain level is at a 9, even IV painkillers barely make a dent. It takes it to like... a 7?

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope before they get yeeted into Hell, they have to do the walk like in Metal Gear Solid 3. (If you aren't familiar, there is a boss fight where before you reach him, you have to get through the ghosts of anyone youve killed in the game. If you went in guns blazing, there's a horde of ghosts you gotta wade though.)

Imagine if people like those two, and all the other despicable people (Like Killary) had to do that walk in purgatory - And for once had to actually FEEL what they made them feel.

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like I said - I meant even painkillers dont help, and ive tried cbd and it does absolutely nothing for me.

Jamezelo 1 point ago +3 / -2

no offense but... lol

yeh fam if Pharmeceutical drugs dont help cbd wont. plus, i smoke. ill stick with real thc lol

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once again, I already told you i will never ask you to include any of it.

if you choose to include one of my posts, that's entirely your decision.

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