I agree we shouldn't cast this aside as a mormonz issue. Romney is proof Utah is corrupt. I suspect many red states, maybe all, are filled with corruption.
In nearly all the battleground states of 2020, the state legislatures of those states were controlled by "republicans". Those state legislatures had Plenary Power over federal elections in their states. What did these republican controlled state legislatures do about the 2020 election steal?
In my opinion, they did nothing because they were elected by fraud as well. Why would they want to out themselves as being installed via fraud?
It would have been the easiest thing they ever pursued as a political issue. They could have defeated democrats forever. Literally. By showing the fraud they could have ended the Democrat party.
But they didn't. Not only did they not investigate and hold the cheaters responsible, they covered it up. They've covered it up and kicked the can down the road so they can delete the election data.
There are not Two Parties in America. There is One Uniparty.
I agree we shouldn't cast this aside as a mormonz issue. Romney is proof Utah is corrupt. I suspect many red states, maybe all, are filled with corruption.
In nearly all the battleground states of 2020, the state legislatures of those states were controlled by "republicans". Those state legislatures had Plenary Power over federal elections in their states. What did these republican controlled state legislatures do about the 2020 election steal?
In my opinion, they did nothing because they were elected by fraud as well. Why would they want to out themselves as being installed via fraud?
It would have been the easiest thing they ever pursued as a political issue. They could have defeated democrats forever. Literally. By showing the fraud they could have ended the Democrat party.
But they didn't. Not only did they not investigate and hold the cheaters responsible, they covered it up. They've covered it up and kicked the can down the road so they can delete the election data.
There are not Two Parties in America. There is One Uniparty.
It's not Republican vs Democrat.
It's US vs Them.