Just wanted to share something i heard in a sermon on youtube, and the concepts it left me with.
Gods glory is greater than the evil which we face. While we see the horrible things going on in the world we must keep faith and lean not on our understandings, for the lord has blessed us greatly to be on the frontlines of this spiritual battle.
The things the lord has planned for us are beyond what we could even imagine, for while we are tested and refined, he is preparing our inheritance for us.
Much like Isrealites leaving Egypt, we are about to enter the promised land, but we must witness the destruction of Canaan or Babylon first. The lord is about to reveal his hand and prove once again, that he is the one true and rightful ruler of Humanity.
This is also largely about him demonstrating the apostasy of the church and government, and the importance of not bowing to false or stange gods. Included in that demonstration will be us witnessing their destruction and judgement, each according to their own works.
While i personally pray a lot for discernment and understanding, i have started praying in praise and thanks for the blessings were all going to recieve when this is all over. This is my way of living in faith and the light that we have all been promised, and in my heart i truely believe were about to be entered into the promised land, so i feel a thank you is the least i can offer in prayer.
God bless :)
Numbers 6:24-26