Remember when the fake news media spun this tall tale about JFK jr showing up in Dealy Plaza at a certain date and time?
And somehow the fake news media was well-informed on this JFK jr appearance, and they were even there on-site to document the crazies who showed up,
And yet, somehow, there wasn’t a single post on GAW about this JFK jr thing, until AFTER it was done and over with?
Why was i never invited?
So where did the crazies even get the idea to show up? How did we not hear anything about it before hand?
This is the same kind of operation as Jan 6 riots.
They (deep state) knew Trump was going to have a rally on Jan 6, so they sent in the goon squad to cause havok and discredit the protest,
And more importantly, to frame Trump for “insurrection”, which would disqualify Trump from ever holding public office again, per the 14th amendment.
If “Proud Boys” were a legit group, then why aren’t you affiliated with them?
Because we aren’t “white supremacists”?
Because they have no clear mission?
Why is it that you don’t know any Proud Boys?
Where do “Proud Boys” get their support? Certainly not on this board.
Why do Proud Boys get media coverage?
Im pretty sure if any one of us started a “white supremacist” group, it wouldn’t attract a single follower,
And yet, the Proud Boys come out of nowhere, have a ridiculous platform, and somehow they can get hundreds of goons to show up in DC on Jan 6?
Where was ANTIFA?
Im sure they were there, dressed in MAGA hats…
edit: link to noteworthy comment
I think OP goes too far to say PB doesn't exist at all, but it's quite possible they're duped at the top and are attracting patriots like you to be their fallboys.
It's brilliant. You get contained in a niche group that they control. They can instruct you to riot or protest if needed. You go to jail, they get the press and justify more draconian laws.
Being a member, doesn't anything seem fishy at all or is it all 100% on the level?
I appreciate the honest question. Yes, some states have all sorts of issues, infiltration being one.guys always hinting T committing federal crimes etc. Those guys are vetted out pretty quick.they are always glowies. They might've hung out for some time, made friends etc, but always glow in fed type actions. That's state to state and typically quickly squashed. Can't speak for the south, just as a Rotary in north Dakota ain't got a clue about a rotary from Georgia. Know what I mean?
Yeah I know what you mean. But you're a little guy with no access to who pulls the strings at the top.
Only thing I can ask of you is if you ever think the left has compromised your org, get in touch with Project Veritas
Yeah, you really have no idea what my rank is here. but of course I already have relationships with veritas. We may or may not have been involved in acquiring footage of the ballot harvesting for the Omar campaign... Some of that footage may or may not have ended up in the hands of Dinesh.